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  • Date:2009-07-09

Guidelines of the Establishment of Kinmen County Affairs Advisory Board
Adopted by County Affairs Meeting of Kinmen County Government, Fujian Province in April 2002

Promulgated and enforced on June 21, 2002, FuGuZi#9125459 Decree

1.   Kinmen County Government (hereinafter referred to as KCG) established the County Affairs Advisory Board (hereinafter referred to as the Board) to attract talented professionals, collect valuable information of the county men, further develop Kinmen, promote Kinmen to people across the Taiwan Strait, and bring Kinmen to the world.   

2. Objectives of the Board:

(1)   To provide suggestions to county affairs.

(2)   To assist KCG in obtaining budget goal and resources and serve as a link to the county men living outside of Kinmen to promote the interests and welfare of Kinmen.

(3)   To act as the advisor for Kinmen county men living outside of Kinmen.

(4)   To consult and assist in other counter affairs related matters.

3. Planning Office of KCG is the supportive and coordination agency for the Board. Annual budget shall be made under the Office to support for the establishment of the Board.

4. Office area for the Board shall be arranged by KCG.

5. The Board recruits advisors based on needs of various individual functional authorities (agencies). A chief advisor shall be elected among advisors, and the elected chief advisor shall act as the chairperson of the advisor joint meeting.

6. Recruitment of the advisors for the Board shall comply with the following rules:

(1)   Advisors shall be hired in the name of the County Magistrate and the County Magistrate shall deliver the advisor certificate in person. The term for advisors is one year, the term could be renewed when needed until the term of the County Magistrate ends.

(2)   County men of Kinmen shall be on top of the advisor priority list with no less than half of the advisors. County man of Kinmen means domicile of origin is in Kinmen, or born in Kinmen, or used to live and register the household in Kinmen Region for over ten years.

7. The Board shall meet every half year. The meeting minutes shall be compiled and reported to the County Magistrate by the supportive unit of the Board.

8. Advisors of the Board are not paid positions; however, advisory fees could be awarded in accordance to law. Advisors shall also be awarded attendance fees for attending meetings. The related expenses shall be included in the annual budget.  
9. The Board shall be divided into different functional groups.

In the event that the Board shall be dismissed due to special reasons, it shall be done only until the terms of individual advisors end.

10. Advisors shall be dismissed immediately notwithstanding the terms under the following situations:

(1)   Resign because of certain causes and is granted of the resignation.  

(2)   Being sentenced guilty of criminal cases, or being involved in disgraceful scandals damaging the image of the County.

(3)   Being voted by two third of the present advisors as unfit for the position in the advisor joint meetings. The dismiss order shall be announced by the County Magistrate, and a successor shall be recruited at the same time.

11. Those who meet the following criteria shall be on top of the recruitment list of the Board:

(1)   Reputable county men in Kinmen with track records in servicing county men of Kinmen.

(2)   At lease two years serving as associate professor in universities of Taiwan or other countries.

(3)   With publication, works, research reports in special fields, or being recommended by mass media, academic organizations, or related organization.

(4)   Outstanding performance in competitions in Taiwan or other countries.

(5)   With expertise in special fields and being recommended by Vice County Magistrate or above.

12. Aside from the Board, several non-paid honorary advisors shall be recruited based on the needs of the County Magistrate. Criteria listed above do not apply to these honorary advisors.

13. Natters not regulated in the Guideline shall comply with the related laws and regulations.

14. The Guideline shall be announced and enforced upon the adoption the country affairs meetings.